Developed by Antjuan Finch
Public Domain Intelligence Test
Second Edition (PDIT-2)
An open source, free, comprehensive test of intelligence.
Crystallized intelligence (Gc) refers to knowledge acquired through one's culture, including verbal ability and social knowledge. 1

To answer each question select the option that best completes each sentence. An example would be selecting "gradual" to complete the sentence "Medieval kingdoms did not become constitutional republics overnight; on the contrary, the change was -------."

This test has 30 questions and a 15 minute time limit. The questions are ordered from least to most difficult. For an accurate score, do not use any aids and take only once.

Fluid intelligence (Gf) is defined as reasoning ability, and the ability to generate, transform, and manipulate different types of novel information in real time. 2

To answer each question select the answer that completes each visual pattern.

This test has 30 questions and a 15 minute time limit. The questions are placed in a nearly random order. For an accurate score, do not use any aids to complete this test and take it only once.

Processing speed (PSI) is a general term representing the speed at which an individual identifies, manipulates, and responds to information.3

To answer each question, select the symbol that converts to each number. The image below the assigned number provides the digit-symbol conversions for every number; this image never changes.

This test has 75 questions and a 2 minute time limit. For an accurate assessment, take only once.

The Intellectual Quotient (IQ) is a standardized measure, able to estimate the intelligence of an individual starting from the assessment of verbal and not-verbal skills.4 Full-Scale IQ (FSIQ) typically refers to a more global construct that also includes assessments of working memory and processing speed.

Sum of Subtlest Scores: Mean = 300, SD = 37.5

Open Sources

Gc: SAT I: Reasoning Test (2001 - 2005), Sentence Completion 1,2,3,4,5

Gf: The Matrix Reasoning Item Bank (2019), Abstract Reasoning 1,2

PSI: Army Mental Tests (1917), Digit-Symbol Coding 1,2

Full-Length Papers

Public Domain Intelligence Test, Version 1: Validation Pilot 1